Looking Back at Furry Conventions in 2022
Our previous article on ‘Conventions Thru The Decades’ was researched and written before 2022 came to a close, and as such we figured now would be a great time to look back on 2022 specifically and see what interesting statistics there are! Let’s dive in…
2022 saw most active furry conventions return after the lull in events due to the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic. Through our research, we found that 87 furry conventions took place in 2022. Amazingly this meant there was a return of furry conventions on every continent, aside from Antarctica, in 2023.
Midwest Furfest was the largest convention yet again with an impressive 13,641 attendees, which represents a +46.2% growth from it’s 2021 attendance number. They also, for the second time, managed to raise over $100,000 for their charity!
The top five largest conventions were all over 5,000 attendees and also the only conventions over 5,000 attendees. Twelve conventions were over 2,000 attendees in size. Twenty six conventions had over 1,000 attendees.

Despite our best efforts, we were unable to get the attendance numbers for twenty-two conventions and so our 2022 data is skewed. We find that since the pandemic it has become harder and harder to get the attendance numbers and overall data from conventions. This is not surprising as the majority of furry conventions are more understaffed than they ever have been. Still it’s wonderful to see so many furry conventions make their return with such great attendance numbers!

Nearly all of these conventions required vaccination and wearing masks when in convention space. Otherwise, most of the standard events that happen at furry conventions returned to these conventions, and they felt quite normal! Looking ahead to 2023, we have an additional fourteen conventions making their return as well as at least five brand new furry conventions. Keep your eyes on Keep Tahoe Furry, Furcationland, Las Vegas Fur Con, NomadiCon and Harvest Moon Howl Fest to see how their first years go, and if you’re local, go check them out! All five of these new conventions can be found in the USA. As always, if you have any data we are missing or know of any other new furry conventions or ones we have missed, please let us know! Our Master Convention Attendance Spreadsheet has been updated as well so please enjoy going and doing your own research!